It’s the season to experiment

This is officially the season to experiment and try out all your shoes, maybe buy some new shoes for a change! No more snow boots and sneakers!… at least not for a couple of months. It’s time to bring out your heels and Sandals, cause we’re going to talk about shoes.

What to wear?

Where to buy it from?

And how to pair it up?!

nike shoes
platform shoes dolls kill
Heels I bought from shoe dazzle 

Read my review on those shoes, you’d be surprised how you can get shoes for only $10!

Where to buy stylish shoes!

Okay, it’s time to pick. Here are five recommended places for you. I’ve shopped here, and have been highly impressed. 


If you’re on a tight budget

ivrose dress

Dolls Kill

If you’re looking for something unique!

shoes yru


If you’re looking for basics & sandals 

pyjamas forever 21


If you’re looking for something sporty

puma mens hoodies


For everything

shoedazzle skip month